J.C. Life
In 1969 Perception Productions turned into Perception Records. Now Curtiss had his own record label. The New Hobbits LP bears the catalogue number PLP-10. But with the number PLP-1 appeared - probably a bit later - the Jimmy Curtiss solo album "Life".
On this record J.C. is miles away from the early doo wop 7"45s but also from the Hobbits' psych pop or from "Psychedelic Situation" for that matter.
Folk, singer/songwriter pop, blues in nine songs. All of them written by Jimmy Curtiss alone or in co-operation with people like Marcia Hillman, who was a co-writer for The Hobbits already. The album's opener "Child Of Clay" had been a US TOP 40 hit for Jimmie Rodgers in 1967. This was J.C.'s biggest success as a songwriter.
Unusual were the mostly critical and serious lyrics. The musical arrangements with “wah wah” sounds, with strings set rather economically grab one's attention. The album cover is really anti commercial sporting a primitive black & white photo layout. It's message rather unclear. The meaning of life? - Whatever - a fantastic album!

1. Child Of Clay (Curtiss, Matesca)- 5:57
2. Where Can I Hide (Curtiss, Green, Hillman) - 4:21
3. Franscesca (Curtiss, Wexler, Hillman) - 4:05
4. San Francisco Do You Remember Me? (Pollock, Curtiss) - 4:30
5. Lack 'O' Testicle Blues (Sell, Curtiss) - 6:33
6. Sunday Soon (Curtiss) - 4:57
7. You Can't Tell A Man By The Songs He Sings (Curtiss, Hillman) - 5:25
8. Johnny Get Your Gun (Curtiss, Pollock) - 3:35
9. He Was My Father (Curtiss, Hillman) - 4:45
*Billy Elmiger - Bass
*Howie Wyeth - Drums
*Bob Abrahams - Acoustic Guitar Leads
*Jan Williams - Rhythm Guitar
*John Trivers - Bass
*Jerry Vance - Piano
*Jimmy Curtiss - Vocals, Rhythm Guitar, Wah Wah Pedal

Life (LP, Album) Perception Records Z4RS-0264 1969
Life (LP, Album) Perception Records PLP I US 1970
Life (LP, Album) Perception Records PE 21 504 France Unknown